
Freedom Lifestyle Secrets and Online Business Entrepreneur


My name is Hugo Ton. I am M.B.A Degree & also Electric/ Telecom Engineering background

I am a dedicated and enthusiastic Internet Marketing Experts, IT/ Telecom Experts & also Online Business Entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experiences and Business, Real Estate Consultant.

I am the founder of freedomlifestyleserets.com. My ultimate goal in life is to inspire and motivate 9 to 5 people to become successful real estate & online business entrepreneurs. Growing up, I always dreamed about having my own business, achieve financial freedom, take care of my family, travel the world with my loved ones, help friends and extended family members, and give back to the world.

I had the vision to be highly successful, but the means to reach that goal remained unclear for years. However, I did not give up on my dreams. As a dreamer, I believed that I would go to college right after high school, graduate from college, get a job, and use my earnings to invest in a business.

Pretty simple plan… isn’t it? But guess what? Things didn’t go as I imagined. I graduated from high school at the age of 18, then I spent 5 years of my life practicing, watching other people I knew go to college because the had the means, and I didn’t. There were times I have asked myself if I was ever going to make it in life.

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The fear of failing slowly grew on me and tried to eat away every little bit of hope I had. It was really hard to see the light from the dark and hopeless place in which I was stuck. Although it seemed impossible, I knew I could find a way to make it to the top. I am the kind of guy who believes in the slimmest possibility that anything good can happen for me. At the age of 25, God made a way for me to start my college journey with a full ride. Glory to God! I worked extremely hard to succeed. I had countless sleepless nights studying and doing homework. I wrote down my “WHY” for going to college and looked at it each time the journey got though. I was determined to succeed and I was ready to pay with my strength, effort, sweat, and tears. Fast forward to December 2003, I graduated with 2 MBA and BBA bachelor degrees, beside my in Telecom/ Electronics Background and another in Cisco CCNP. PMI certificates. I was really proud of myself – I still am. I am the first person in family to have a college education. It was all because of God’s grace!

I got my first job as an Satellite & Telecom Engineer in Global Company Ericssons, then Siemens, Nokia Networks, Cisco Systems…, and I was finally ready to make money, save money, and invest in a business that I had yet to find. Over time, I slowly began noticing a lot of things that made it NOT so fun to be somebody else’s employee. I have been working hard and barely had time to spend with my family. Does that sound familiar? When the sad reality of the workplace hit me, I realized that I was in a never-ending rat race and I was not making enough money to even save. Life kept getting busier and busier and the possibility of running a side business was fading away. I felt like life was getting more demanding by the day.

I got to a point where I started feeling that’s what life was going to be for me. But something deep inside of my heart wasn’t letting me accept this “8 – 5 employee lifestyle” as my reality. Something had to change. I became determined to make something happen.

As I was looking for ways to make money online, I found a video of Matt Lloyd promoting My Own Business Education, which is an automated high ticket marketing education system that truly changed my life. I have now attended a lot of training and live events of My Own Business Education where I learned from the best mentors and elite Internet entrepreneurs from all over the world who have made millions of dollars using that system.

I have applied all the knowledge that I learned from them and become successful in my online business. I also learned that having a mentor is one of the most important factors to one’s success. I’m so fortunate I am achieving my dreams and living life on my own terms. Let me ask you a couple of questions. What are your dreams and mission in life?

Are you dreaming of…?
● Doing what you want when you want to do it
● Living life based on your own rules
● Traveling all over the world
● Creating income at will and having the time to enjoy it
● Becoming your own boss
● Having financial freedom, security and peace of mind

If you are, than I would recommend you join me and be a part of the My Own Business Education community. No matter what your background is, how old you are, how much you
know about internet marketing. If you want to live the “laptop lifestyle”, achieve financial freedom, location freedom, and time freedom, My Own Business Education program is for YOU.

So reach out to me and I will be glad to help you reach your desired success.

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